On 10.02.2017 21:48, Bryan Richter wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:40:52PM +0100, Robert Martinez (mray) wrote:
>> On 09.02.2017 19:04, Bryan Richter wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 05:40:24PM +0100, Robert Martinez (mray)
>>> wrote:
>>>> The FSFE ML just put my attention to a funding project of the
>>>> german government:
>>>>  https://prototypefund.de/en/
>>>> It looks like they pay 30.000€ over a 6-month period, given that
>>>> you meet some requirements. Imho Snowdrift.coop has a chance.
>>> Looking at the first round's winners
>>> (https://prototypefund.de/en/our-first-round-of-funding-goes-to/),
>>> I'd say I completely agree.
>>> But it says, "Self-employed and independent developers who live in
>>> Germany can apply for funding." Do we have anybody that meets that
>>> criterion?
>>> Oh, I see on the application itself it asks, "Are you applying as an
>>> individual or as a team." Still, I would expect the whole team might
>>> need to live in Germany. mray, how much extra room do you have in
>>> your house? ;)
>>> Or perhaps we could recruit some people. I am certain there are
>>> Haskellers in Germany who would want to help out.
>> As Salt proposed I asked about the necessity of being an entierly
>> german GbR the answer was: The only thing that really matters is that
>> the ones receiving the money have their residence in Germany.
> Then it sounds like you should apply! Is there anything the team should
> do to support the application? Do we have any good milestones that could
> be used as a "goal" to help sell the application? (Since having a
> concrete goal would make the application more enticing.)

My guess is the caveat is: the ones receiving the money need to do the
work :P

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