Hi, Greg:

Yes, the package in the basic Python is rich in contents already.
My email was indeed a response to your reference to Byron Weber Becker's
slide deck. I thought you liked his guides on polymorphism, and solicited
possible extension to our package. There's misunderstanding here.

I guess OO might be a burden for beginners in scientific programming esp.,
for those from FORTRAN or C.


On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Greg Wilson <
gvwil...@software-carpentry.org> wrote:

>  Hi Kai,
> Our experience is that trying to get learners who have little previous
> training in programming all the way to defining classes in half a day
> (which is all the time we usually have for Python in our workshops) fails
> badly.  If they leave understanding that they should break their programs
> into short, readable, testable, reusable functions (and that those are all
> actually the same thing), that's a big step forward, and as far as we can
> reasonably expect to get.
> And yes, the lesson on functions is mostly about scoping.  Our experience
> shows that's what confuses people most, and it's difficult to debug code
> without a solid understanding of what a call stack is.  I'm adding more
> discussion of this (our collected pedagogical content knowledge) to the
> next run of the instructor training course; I hope that will convince you
> that what's in our core lessons is already very ambitious.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On 2014-11-28 6:54 PM, Hsi-Kai (Kai) Yang wrote:
> Sorry, there is typo in my previous email.
> To be accurate, I meant "scoping" rather than "name space."
> -kai
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Hsi-Kai (Kai) Yang <h...@uw.edu> wrote:
>>  Teaching polymorphism in the basic workshop could be overkill. But it
>> might be worthwhile to add object-oriented concepts. When I browsed V5 of
>> SWC’s Python teaching material during this holiday, I could only find
>> ‘function’ which was introduced as an encapsulation mechanism (among
>> others) although the code example there was more about name space than
>> encapsulation.
>>  My two cent. Thanks.
>> -kai
>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Greg Wilson <
>> gvwil...@software-carpentry.org> wrote:
>>> I've just added a short post to the teaching blog [1] that includes an
>>> example of a well laid out lesson from Byron Weber Becker (an instructor in
>>> Computer Science at the University of Waterloo whose work I've admired for
>>> a while).  It certainly gives us something to shoot for...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Greg
>>> [1]
>>> http://teaching.software-carpentry.org/2014/11/06/an-example-of-a-well-written-lesson/
>>> --
>>> Dr. Greg Wilson    | gvwil...@software-carpentry.org
>>> Software Carpentry | http://software-carpentry.org
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> Dr. Greg Wilson    | gvwil...@software-carpentry.org
> Software Carpentry | http://software-carpentry.org
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