On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 09:44:59AM -0500, John Blischak wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Karen Cranston wrote:
> > I vote to put the instructions in the README for the default
> > branch (gh-pages). Note that the current README already has a link
> > to the contribution guidelines, which contains the instructions
> > about only committing the Markdown. Let's make the instructions as
> > obvious as possible for new contributors / occasional contributors
> > / people with short memories.
> CONRTRIBUTING.md is the correct location for instructions for
> contributors. I was referring to instructions specifically for
> lesson maintainers. This information should not go in the main
> README.md or CONTRIBUTING.md because it is not relevant to the
> normal contributor.

The README.md for swcarpentry/lesson-template's gh-pages branch should
just be targetted at maintainers (who will be using it as a seed when
launching a new lesson).  However, my personal preference for more
detailed lesson-template docs is a doc/template/ directory in
swcarpentry/lesson-template's core branch that survives into the
downstream lesson.  For a stab in this direction, see [1].  That way
lesson maintainers can forget about swcarpentry/lesson-template's
gh-pages branch after they've created their lessons.

I've also CCed maintainers@, which hasn't seen much action, and which
I'm generally skeptical of [2], but which seems like a better place
than discuss@ if this discussion is going to happen on a mailing list
instead of in a lesson-template issue ;).


[1]: https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-template/pull/124

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