When teaching Python, I have a keyboard shortcut set up to push my live-coding 
notebook to a repository on github. At the beginning of the lesson I post the 
link to the etherpad and let learners know that this is a good tab to keep open 
for when they want to see cells I've long since scrolled past, or if they want 
to copy-paste blocks of code they perhaps didn't manage to finish that are 
useful for later. Getting the latest version of what I've done is just an <F5> 
away. Since github now renders notebooks, this works quite well.

Next time I might make this an every-minute cron job so that I don't have to 
remember to hit the shortcut every so often.

I don't have a good solution for things run from the terminal, except perhaps 
setting the history file to go to Dropbox, which I've seen done before.


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