On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 03:24:25PM -0200, Raniere Silva wrote:
> You will got a few conflicts that should be easy to fix.  For
> example, you need to merge the YAML header.

Git will notice conflicts when you touched the same lines (or nearby
lines) to what was changed upstream.  However, it's not going to
notice broader changes that you may also want to respond to.
swcarpentry/workshop-template doesn't have versioned releases or a
high-level changelog, but you can get an idea of what's landing before
the merge with:

  $ git log --oneline --graph --decorate HEAD..upstream/gh-pages
  *   c6655e0 (upstream/gh-pages, upstream/HEAD) Merge pull request #269 from 
  | * 1468ce4 Link directly to Windows Installer repo for executable
  * ba01c12 Merge pull request #268 from wking/index-ids
  *   fd7eaeb Merge pull request #266 from JasonJWilliamsNY/gh-pages
  | * b81434b added survey to config.yml
  * cdb8f7d Merge pull request #267 from pbanaszkiewicz/meta-tags
  * 94c1eaa Remove unnecessary if-conditionals from _layout/workshop.html
  * 1e19a53 Meta tags: change delimiter of names from "," to "|"
  * d480e41 Conditionally join a list of instructors/helpers
  * b79059e Add <meta> tags with workshop metadata

which will show a graph of commits in upstream/gh-pages that aren't
reachable from HEAD [1].  If you want a higher-level overview, you can
follow just the first parent.  For example, c6655e0 has parents
ba01c12 (the previous gh-pages tip and c6655e0's first parent) and
1468ce4 (the tip of the merged branch and c6655e0's second parent).
--first-parent will mean we hit ba01c12 (the first parent) but not
1468ce4 (the second parent) when tracing the history.

  $ git log --oneline --first-parent HEAD..upstream/gh-pages
  c6655e0 Merge pull request #269 from ethanwhite/win-installer-link
  ba01c12 Merge pull request #268 from wking/index-ids
  fd7eaeb Merge pull request #266 from JasonJWilliamsNY/gh-pages

If any of those commits look like something you want to respond to
(e.g. you have different survey URLs and want to adjust in the face of
[2]), you can drill in with more detailed log listings to see what
changed and why (we're all explaining that in the commit messages
right? [3] ;).


[1]: http://git-scm.com/docs/gitrevisions#_specifying_ranges
[2]: https://github.com/swcarpentry/workshop-template/pull/266
[3]: https://github.com/swcarpentry/git-novice/issues/71

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