Hi David,

There is this:

but the numbers, at least, would probably need a refresh.


On 20/02/2016 18:27, David Dotson wrote:
Hey all,

I'm giving a brief (10 minute) presentation next week at a ASU Physics department faculty meeting to convince the department to support annual an SWC workshop targeted to graduate students each January. I don't think it will be a hard sell, since the chair was already impressed by the feedback from our workshop this January <http://smallerthings.org/2016-01-07_asu_physics/>, but is there a reasonably up-to-date set of materials I can draw from to make it an easy decision for them?

The department has already made strides in improving the computational education of their undergraduates with a new Computational Methods in Physics <http://asu-compmethodsphysics-phy494.github.io/ASU-PHY494/about/> course, for which we've drawn heavily from the SWC playbook in putting together. The annual SWC workshop should help to fill in the gaps for incoming graduate students that didn't get to benefit from such a course in their own undergrad program.



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