I find things like this really helpful for allowing people to follow along as you go, and students seem to really appreciate having the record to download and refer back to.

A Dropbox public links works well for this too. For R, I usually save the script somewhere in Dropbox (or other cloud service), and then give the learners the link to the file. It updates whenever you save, and they can just refresh their browser to get the up-to-date version.

For those who haven't come across it yet: when teaching shell and git, this tip to modify your bash prompt to echo the last line of history to a text file works really well:


On 14 Mar 2017, at 9:13, Ben Marwick wrote:

I just came across this little app, it lets you code locally (for example, in RStudio), and when you save it automatically updates a copy of the file at public URL: https://github.com/hikarock/casto

It might be useful for keeping a log of live-coding during a SWC workshop.

Looks like it can enable learners to easily access the live-coding file on the fly, with the file continuously updated as the instructor saves the file during the lessons.

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