There is an intro to git in RStudio as a supplement the Software Carpentry 
git-novice lesson:

We ended up using this as part of a Data Carpentry workshop where we didn’t 
have time to do command line 
(  We used GitHub Desktop 
to introduce the concept of git, and then went into the RStudio implementation 
(  We did run into the issue of 
new vs old versions of GitHub Desktop, but getting learners to download the new 
version isn’t too difficult.  I liked this workshop organization because you 
can introduce git in Day 1, and then use it in RStudio as you’re learning R.  
This order helps to apply the concept of version control to actual code.


Tom Morrell | Research Data Specialist | Caltech 
Mail Code 2-32, Pasadena CA 91125 | 626-395-3827 |<>

On Mar 14, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Jan T Kim 
<<>> wrote:

Hi All,

while I understand the attraction of minimising the number of systems
and UIs used in a workshop, I think it should also be considered that
the majority of learners will eventually move to other systems.

The focus of workshops should therefore be on enabling learners to do
what they need, independently of specific tools, UIs etc. From this
perspective, some exposition to different UIs is a key value provided
by workshops, rather than a distracting effect to be engineered away
to any extent possible.

Best regards, Jan

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 02:39:35PM +0000, Abhijit Dasgupta wrote:
Thanks for the feedback!

One of the reasons RStudio is attractive is that the workshop becomes
immersive and unified in one IDE.

The git interface is pretty good, and merge conflicts are dealt with much
as a standard text editor would, so standard but nothing as nice as Atom.
For beginners, and intermediates, it appears sufficient. There hasnt been
major drift across RStudio versions in a while, so even with a 6 month old
version, it is fine (key being having RStudio > version 1.0).

The RStudio interface also comes with a terminal built in. I'll check what
it is for Windows, but that, I think, simplifies a lot of the issues with
installing and using shell on Windows boxes, again simplifying the

Still thinking aloud, but the more I think about this, the happier I'm
getting :)
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018, 10:31 AM Raniere Silva 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Abhijit,

The Software Carpentry "bylaws" only mentioned that you must teach a
version control system. It could be Git, Mercurial, SVN or another one.

In terms of learners experience during the lesson, I was helping on a web
development workshop and I noticed that different users had different
graphical user interfaces of GitHub Desktop client which made very hard to
help learners. I don't use R Studio's Git interface so I don't know how
often it change that will impact the workshop, for example, if one of the
learners installed R Studio 6 months ago and didn't updated it for the
workshop how much the graphical user interface will be different? Another
point, is how the conflict resolution works in R Studio?


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