Hello Carpentries Community!

If you've taken a Software, Data, or Library Carpentry workshop in the past
6-months, I want to hear from you about what has transpired in your work
and career since you completed a workshop.
Please complete our Long-Term Impact Survey
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/carpentrieslongtermassessment> to help me
understand how our workshops are helping you achieve the skills you need to
work with data.

I am planning to release the results of this survey during the State of the
Carpentries presentation at CarpentryCon! You can check out the first
long-term impact report on our blog

Thank you so much for your continued support and involvement with the


Kari L. Jordan, Ph.D.

Director of Assessment and Community Equity

The Carpentries


Request a meeting with me <https://calendly.com/kariljordan/>
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