And of course, Bill Gates will subsidize the first 640 KB of RAM! ;)

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:16, Rei Shinozuka wrote:
> i saw this in the WSJ, this project has been going on for some time,
> but this was the first i had heard about it.  wonder what they will use
> for word processing and spreadsheets?
> ---------------
> The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality
> November 14, 2005; Page B1
> A novel plan to develop a $100 laptop computer for distribution to
> millions of schoolchildren in developing countries has caught the
> interest of governments and the attention of computer-industry
> heavyweights.
> First announced in January by Nicholas Negroponte, the founding
> chairman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, the
> initiative appears to be gaining steam. Mr. Negroponte is scheduled to
> demonstrate a working prototype of the device with United Nations
> Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday at a U.N. technology
> conference in Tunisia.
> Mr. Negroponte and other backers say they have held discussions with
> at least two dozen countries about purchasing the laptops and that
> Brazil and Thailand have expressed the most interest so far. In
> addition, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney recently proposed spending
> $54 million to buy one of the laptops for every student in middle
> school and high school in his state.
> [Design Continuum's prototype of a $100 laptop with hand crank, for
> students in developing countries.]
> Design Continuum's prototype of a $100 laptop with hand crank, for
> students in developing countries.
> Although no contracts with governments have been signed,
> Mr. Negroponte says current plans call for producing five to ten
> million units beginning in late 2006 or early 2007, with tens of
> millions more a year later. Five companies -- Google Inc., Advanced
> Micro Devices Inc., Red Hat Inc., News Corp. and Brightstar Corp. --
> have each provided $2 million to fund a nonprofit organization called
> One Laptop Per Child that was set up to oversee the
> project. Mr. Negroponte says five companies are bidding to make the
> laptop, although he declined to name them.
> Mr. Negroponte remains eager to place the laptop in the hands of 100
> to 150 million students. He says he has learned in educational
> projects in Cambodia and other developing countries that computers
> spur children to learn and explore outside the boundaries of a
> classroom, and share their discoveries with their families. "I do not
> think of them only in classrooms, but part of an integrated and
> seamless experience for kids and their families," he says.
> Still, the project would require governments in the developing world
> to come up with $15 billion to supply 150 million laptops, and it
> isn't yet clear how many countries can afford even a $100
> machine. Technical hurdles also remain.
> The device that will be shown in Tunisia is still an early version;
> Mr. Negroponte says the screen alone will require another three months
> of development. The designers also have yet to bring the overall price
> down to $100, although they say they are getting close. "Even if the
> first ones are $118.50, as long as subsequent machines are less and
> less expensive, that is what counts," Mr. Negroponte says.
> Major computer industry players appear to be taking the venture
> seriously, including companies like Microsoft Corp. that aren't yet
> participating. Microsoft could be confronting a laptop that could
> become a standard in the developing world -- one that, for now, would
> come without its dominant Windows software.
> Mr. Negroponte discussed the project last week with Microsoft Chairman
> Bill Gates and Craig Mundie, chief technical officer of advanced
> strategies and policy. "We're in serious discussions to determine what
> the appropriate type of involvement is with us with their project,"
> says Mr. Mundie.
> Steve Jobs, Apple Computer Inc.'s chief executive, offered to provide
> free copies of the company's operating system, OS X, for the machine,
> according to Seymour Papert, a professor emeritus at MIT who is one of
> the initiative's founders. "We declined because it's not open source,"
> says Dr. Papert, noting the designers want an operating system that
> can be tinkered with. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.
> Under present plans, the first production version of the laptop will
> be powered by an AMD microprocessor and use an open-source Linux-based
> operating system supplied by Red Hat. Open-source software is not
> patent protected and can be copied for free. To get the price down, an
> eight-inch diagonal screen -- smaller than standard notebook computers
> -- will run in two modes, with a high-resolution monochrome mode for
> word processing and a lower-resolution color mode for Internet
> surfing. It will be powered by both a power adapter, if electricity is
> available, or through a wind-up mechanism. The device will have
> wireless capabilities and can network with other units even without
> Internet access.
> Mr. Negroponte says the project's supporters are working to provide
> Internet access in some areas via cellular phone networks. He also
> believes competition and deregulation eventually will bring low-cost
> access to even the poorest countries. The designers say they are
> planning to give the laptop a unique look to discourage sales on the
> black market in developing countries.
> At the same time, they say they are hoping to authorize a commercial
> version that would sell for around $200, with a share of the profits
> ideally used to subsidize the educational project. "We are in talks
> with large, brand-name companies," Mr. Negroponte says, noting it will
> be up to them to decide where and how to sell it. "I would not hold my
> breath for it to be in Best Buy," he says.
> Software will include a word processor, a Web browser, an email
> program and a programming system. Governments would decide how to use
> the machine in classrooms. "We're going to give them general tools so
> they can make big changes [in curriculum] if they want to," says
> Dr. Papert, who is a pioneer in using computers in education. "Even
> using it as a typewriter has a payoff."
> Rodrigo Mesquita, a Brazilian entrepreneur and a member of a
> government working group on the project, says his country believes the
> laptops could be used both to improve public education and the
> economy. Brazil is hoping to manufacture three million units,
> beginning next year, and supply some of them to other countries, he
> says. He also says money normally spent on textbooks would be used to
> pay for the laptops for Brazilian schoolchildren. "I'm very
> optimistic," he says, giving the project a "70 to 80%" chance of being
> launched in the country.
> Daryl Sartain, director of strategic business development at AMD, says
> his company is "absolutely committed" to the project and that it fits
> in with its initiative to bring Internet and computing access to half
> the world by 2015. "I have no doubt that this will happen," he says of
> the laptop project, adding, "It will, like everything else, have bumps
> in the road and some evolution that occurs." He declined to say how
> much the company would charge for its microprocessor, but says,
> "Certainly we expect this to be a business for AMD. We also expect it
> to be a business for many other companies, not just us."
> Meanwhile, Intel Corp. says it isn't worried about the thought of
> millions of laptops in developing countries powered by a competitor's
> chips. "Our view is that whatever it takes to get computer power to
> places where it hasn't been before is a good thing," says spokesman
> Chuck Mulloy. "But there will be different flavors of these kind of
> devices." Noting that Intel is involved in other projects to bring
> low-cost computers to developing countries, he says the company has
> learned from experience that "functionality is equally important to
> cost."
> Gretchen Miller, director of world-wide marketing for mobile systems
> at Dell Inc., said she didn't think a $100 laptop would be powerful
> enough to meet students' needs. "We don't believe it's feasible at
> this point to manufacture a $100 notebook that meets our quality
> performance standards. Those things are all customer driven," she
> says, adding, "It's important that a computer prepare students for the
> applications they'll be using after they get out of school."
> But Mike Evans, vice president of corporate development at Red Hat and
> who has been working on the laptop project for nine months, disputes
> the suggestion that the machine will be inadequate for
> students. "There are people in developing countries who have never
> seen computers so it's not like, 'How is this better than Windows?"'
> he says.
> Mr. Papert, who is critical of the computer industry, says one of the
> project's goals is to challenge the notion that a laptop must be
> expensive. "They've followed a policy of stuffing more and more into
> it which most people don't really need and keep the price up. I think
> it's quite amazing that they managed to convince the world to accept
> that, but they did."
> He also says Microsoft, which is a financial contributor to MIT and a
> backer of its Media Lab, has undergone a change in attitude about the
> $100 laptop. "Their first reaction was to laugh at the idea, then the
> next reaction was kind of antagonistic," he says. "Recently, they're
> very friendly."
> Microsoft's Mr. Mundie says he wasn't aware of any antagonism, adding,
> "At the end of the day, I think we have fundamentally the same
> objectives that the Media Lab project has relative to the kids." And
> Mr. Negroponte, after meeting with Mr. Gates, now says, "The machine
> will run anything, including Windows."
> Write to Steve Stecklow at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------
> the website for the MIT laptop project is:

Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.

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