Le lundi 21 novembre 2005 à 00:04 +0100, Henrik Sundberg a écrit :
> How about the anti spam Haiku?
> http://www.oblomovka.com/writing/habeas:_the_antispam_haiku.php3

Like SPF it is very popular with spammers.

Micropayements rely on spammers accepting to pay and not subverting
someone else's account.

The Haikus rely on spammers being willing to respect someone else's

Their only failure is to postulate spammers are law-abiding (slightly
confused) businessmen, while they are uber-capitalist scum which care
about little expect making some quick money (another recent example of
the "right" to make a profit at all costs is being demonstrated by Sony
these days)

And yes I'm a crypto communist and I keep my mouth-knife on hand. 

Nicolas Mailhot

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