It is my understanding that the trademarks and all of the 
various domain registrations are being transferred to the Apache Software 

It might well be that a full-up site transfer can be pulled off, but it is the 
case that Apache infrastructure does not support everything that runs on the 
current sites and there may not be adequate resources to migrate 
and support them, like for like.

Everything at ASF is done by volunteers.  If it is something not already 
supported on Apache infrastructure, there has to be Apache OOo project members 
who step forward to carry out migration and continuing maintenance at the IT 
infrastructure level.  

We are completely missing any technical support for migrating, preserving, and 
operating these mailing lists, for example.  That is a serious factual problem 
behind Rob Weir's warning that these lists may go away.  (The message was more 
emphatic than that, but it isn't over until it's over.)

Another example is the MediaWiki that is used on  There is no 
MediaWiki instance running anywhere at Apache.  One was brought up on a test 
server provided by Apache on the condition that we had volunteers who could 
maintain it.  Likewise for the forums.

Moving Bugzilla, the Issue Tracker, was easy because that is an 
already-supported product on Apache infrastructure.  Even then, it was not 
possible to preserve existing user passwords, so existing users have to go 
through a password-reset procedure in order to be set up on the new Bugzilla.  
Even then, there are lots of broken connections and other materials on that need to be corrected as well.

The plumbing underneath the sites and their services is quite 
intricate and it is not a matter of just doing a system dump and coming up on 
another server that Apache can operate and direct the domain names to.  You 
might be surprised to learn that there is more than one server involved, but 
that is all hidden under the façade of the overall site and domain name.

Does that help?  Too much information?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Bret Busby [] 
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 21:40
Subject: [discuss] Re: [ANN] This list is migrating to

On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, David B Teague sr wrote:
[ ... ]
> You know that Oracle inherited OO.o by way of their purchase of SUN. Oracle 
> isn't going to provide support for OO.o as Sun did. They donated 
> source and trademarks to the Apache foundation and will end 
> their support for OO.o mailing lists and archives.  There is far too much 
> valuable information that was and is being passed in these mailing lists to 
> let them and the archives just vanish. Apache will host new lists.
[ ... ]

I would have thought, however, in the circumstances, that, for the sake 
of transparency and convenience, Oracle would have similarly donated the 
domain name registration, to Apache, which would then have been able to 
host the Open Office mailing lists on its own servers, and, just changed 
the domain name registration, including the nameservers, and thus have 
had a fairly "seamless" transfer, with no need to change the mailing 
lists, so, one day, the lists are hosted on one set of servers (Oracle?) 
and the next day, the mailing lists are hosted on a different set of 
servers (Apache foundation), thus, apart from possibly, a few hours at 
the time of transference, no "visible" change need be apparent to lists 

[ ... ]

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