Hi Piyush,


> 2. A form with enctype="multipart/form-data" isn't parsed properly. 
> Attached restlet shows it. Everything works fine if you remove the 
> enctype. 

Ah, I see! There is an existing issue for this. I've updated it with your
test code and comments: 

The current solution is to use the NRE extension which integrates with
Apache FileUpload:
> 3. Reference.getQueryAsForm() declares throwing an IOException while 
> call.getInputAsForm() doesn't and I'd expect the other way around. 

Good remark. I've refactored the code to never throw an IO exception, for
getInputAsForm() as well a getQueryAsForm() : see in SVN. In case an error
occurs during the parsing, the faulty parameter is just skipped. In
addition, log traces where added for all IO errors.

> 4. This way of handling login requires a lot of redirects (okay 2 to 
> be more specific). So I use code like 
> RedirectRestlet redirect = new RedirectRestlet(this.getContext(), 
> redirectReference, RedirectRestlet.MODE_CLIENT_FOUND); 
>             try { 
>                 redirect.start(); 
>             } catch (Exception ex) { 
>                 //log it! 
>             } 
>             redirect.handle(call); 
>             try { 
>                 redirect.stop(); 
>             } catch (Exception ex) { 
>                 //log it! 
>             } 
> In my authentication filter I use 
> RedirectRestlet.MODE_CLIENT_TEMPORARY to redirect to the 
> login restlet 
> and in the login restlet I use RedirectRestlet.MODE_CLIENT_FOUND to 
> reach the expected reference. I hope that is fine. 

For simple cases you can also use "manual" redirects:

For the meaning of TEMPORARY vs FOUND, see org.restlet.data.Status or HTTP
error codes 302 and 307.

> Can't that exception (Exception ex) be a little more specific as it 
> also encompasses all runtime exceptions. Introduce a checked 
> RestletException? 

I've just tried again to change this, but there is a problem with server
connectors such as Jetty or AsyncWeb which either throw non-IO exceptions or
declare specific exceptions in the start() method of an interface to
implement: see org.safehaus.asyncweb.container.ServiceContainer. 

Rather than wrapping everything into a RestletException, I prefer to keep
the current approach. You can always catch RuntimeException to ignore them.

> 5. What about session support? I had to create my own. 

Memory-based sessions, as implemented by the Servlet API, are bringing many
issues. Anyway, in a more RESTful design, there should be less need for the
concept of session. If HTTP authentication is not an option, you can always
place a cookie (session-bound) in the user agent that will help you
re-authenticate the user at each request.

If you build your own session mechanism, I recommend to base it on a
persistent storage in order to be able to load-balance between/fail-over
multiple Restlet container instances. Another option is to use a
distributed/synchronized memory-based cache like JBoss Cache.


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