Hi Sean,

> I think any component or restlet that has useful telemetry 
> and/or knobs is a 
> candidate for exposure as an MBean. The two above make sense to me. 


> Logging control is a candidate. 

Actually, in beta 19, the call logging (writing a file similar to an HTTP
log) will be configurable at the Application level, via a set of properties.
So ApplicationMBean is definitely useful.

> I'm not totally clued into how the scorers work, so maybe this is
inappropriate, but tracking 
> scorer behavior might be useful. Is this the same as hit counts? 

Scorers are involved in the call routing process. Each scorer attached to a
router is acting as a routing option. The router decides on the option to
follow by computing a scorer for the call with each scorer and applying a
selection algorithm (first match, best match, etc.).


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