Hi Sean,

> I think *Representation is problematic: headRepresentation()? 
> I understand your
> concerns with get(Variant), getVariant(). A colleague of mine 
> pointed out that
> conceptually, merely using post(), get(), etc., is like 
> encroaching on a global
> name space. He suggested (and I'm comfortable with), 
> doPost(), doGet(), doHead(),
> doDelete(), doPut(), and doOptions(). The 'do' has the effect 
> of taking 
> the names out of the global name space...conceptually.

I agree, but what do you think about the fact that we already have the
handleGet, handlePost, handleHead or handleOptions right in the Resource

Do you think that handleHead() should call a doHead() method? What would be
the added value?

In case of handleGet() we provide a default implementation based on the
getVariants() and getRepresentation(Variant) methods in order to provide a
default support for content negotiation. Same for handleHead() which in 99%
of the case is just a GET with no entity sent back on the wire.

The handleOptions() also has a default implementation which is based on the
"alloww*" methods available that return true.

If you don't want to use content negotiation, you could directly override
the handleGet(), handleHead() methods. Doesn't it cover your needs?

Best regards,

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