Since URISyntaxException is checked, I see no reason why the
ReferenceBuilder shouldn't throw a checked exception as well.

I propose the following:

ReferenceBuilder(Protocol, host, port, authority)
// Convenience constructors

ReferenceBuilder appendPath(String unencodedPath);
ReferenceBuilder appendParameter(String name, String value);

String toString();
Reference toReference() throws URISyntaxException;

I see no real reason to use the class as the Restlet framework
doesn't make much use of it, particularly the Client.get() methods which is
where the builder class will be particularly useful


On Nov 29, 2007 8:19 PM, Tim Peierls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 29, 2007 7:58 PM, Paul J. Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 29, 2007, at 4:52 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:
> > > Abstractly, though, would you rather see ReferenceBuilderException
> > checked or unchecked in the following:
> > >
> > >   try {
> > >       Reference ref = ReferenceBuilder.appendBar
> > ("myBar").appendFoo("myFoo");
> > >       // do something with ref
> > >   } catch (ReferenceBuilderException e) {
> > >       // myBad: foo must come before bar
> > >       // clean up
> > >       // ? throw e;
> > >   }
> > >
> > > Programmer was wrong -- this should be unchecked, right?
> >
> > How do you know the programmer was wrong?  How does the implementor of
> > ReferenceBuilder know whether the data was supplied by the programmer or the
> > user of the program?  If the latter, it's the user who is wrong in which
> > case the programmer must deal with that.  Therefore: checked exception.
> Yes -- sorry, got it backwards in my example.
> Unchecked exceptions are appropriate when the programmer can't reasonably
> be expected to handle the exception completely. Canonical example: If I'm
> out of memory, the best I can hope for is to flush file handles and try to
> clean up in a finally block. For some specific unchecked exceptions with
> special clean-up needs, *maybe* I'd catch and rethrow. But I can't think of
> a case where you would swallow an unchecked exception.
> I stick to the claim that verbs implying order in a Builder-style API may
> be appropriate in some settings.
> > In general, IMHO, you've got to have a really, really good reason to
> > make an exception unchecked.  "Because it's easier" isn't a good reason.
> >
> Pretty much the point I was making on the "Exceptions in general" thread.
> But the "Because it's easier" argument is stronger you might think: I've
> come to regret the fact that throws Exception. When the JSR
> 166 EG was designing Callable and friends, we had trouble deciding which way
> to go on this; we ended up with a conservative approach that in my
> (subsequent) experience tends to make things harder for the programmer with
> no real benefit.
> --tim

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