That is a very good point Marc is making.  The way I think about it, that 
REST is not really stateless :-) it requires state separation:
      application state - always on the client (what page is the client on); 
can use cookies fully client controlled
      resource state    - on the server (no cookies)

 - if one needs session for keeping track of what page I am on now, client 
needs to do it, for example by keeping it in the URI, header or in the 
 - if you need to have a per user preferences, you need a user resource on 
the server and manage the user resource state on the server.
 - anything that changes the resource state must be kept on the server in 
the resource representation
 - if you need to do something like longer algorithm with multiple 
interactions, define a resource corresponding the algorithm and manipulate 
it with stateless REST interaction


"Marc Portier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Stephan Koops wrote:
>> one of the main points of REST is, that there is no session state on the 
>> server. If you want to have a session state, than you do not follow the 
>> REST architecture style.
> uh, yes, but:
> observation 1- there *is* server side state in ReSTful apps. As Stephan 
> points out however it is not 'session state'. It should not be 
> 'application state' but it is always and only 'resource state'
> observation 2- there really is nothing that prevents resources to live 
> only for a certain period of time, nor is there anyone forcing you to have 
> them persisted on disk (although most people will think of them as such)
> See also an earlier thread in this group under the subject "session 
> debate" that allowed for some pragmatic helpfulness in this religious 
> debate
> And some added ideas to:
> So the challenge in practice becomes to think about sessions (or even 
> directly the items you want to store in them) as being (temporary) 
> resources ;-)
> A rough dump of what the rest-face of a TemporaryResourceRestlet would 
> look like: (just coming to mind)
> POST ./ : creates a new temporary resource, allocates an id to it and 
> redirects you there (or offers the id in a neat response)
> PUT  ./{id}/{key} allows to store a representation in this temp resource
> DELETE ./{id}/{key} would remove it again
> DELETE ./{id} would remove the whole thing (all keys)
> GET  ./{id}  shows the list of the available keys in this resource
> an IMHO acceptable side effect of this GET (also by calling HEAD) would be 
> that some last-accessed-time is updated
> With that a server-side clean-up mechanism could be envisioned to 
> automatically remove resources no longer in use (yes, that is meant to 
> sound like a session time out)
> We could also associate these temporary resources automatically to 
> authenticated users
> GET  ./{user}/ : could list all temporary resources in place for this 
> user, obviously this would only be available to the actual authenticated 
> user (and thus not for temp resources created under a not authenticated 
> user)
> This would be a mostly internally called restlet probably (riap://) 
> however modern AJAX apps might want to call upon it directly as well since 
> they could rightfully store the temp-resource-id in their 'application 
> state' up in the browser. Extra benefit here is that this ajax client 
> would also be able to nicely DELETE the resource at some point.
> Of course, when the luxury of such smart clients is not there, your left 
> to the old school tricks to 'keep the session state' going back and forth 
> between client and server.  Cookies are at your own risk here, the more 
> ReSTy way of doing would be to have proper URI rewriting I guess (hidden 
> arguments in forms might work out as well)
> To complete: As concluded already in the mentioned thread the worries 
> surrounding this kind of solution in a cluster environment should be 
> addressed by making sure that all servers in the cluster share the same 
> 'resource state' (including the temp resources)
> Being just 'resources' this issue should not be harder then sharing the 
> state of all other resources across the cluster (which needs to be done as 
> well)
> regards,
> -marc=
>> Jahid schrieb:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any session on server side? I was looking for session or 
>>> session type
>>> something in API documentation. But I didn't fine any.
>>> So the question is, is there any session object on server side? If yes, 
>>> what
>>> class is that and how to use that? If no, then how we maintain have some 
>>> memory
>>> bases data saving on server side?
>>> Regards,
>>> Jahid

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