Ralf, can you open a ticket for this?

Perhaps we're not setting the correct header combination or IE requires a
strange one to parse chunked encodings.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Ralf Bommersbach <

> Ok thanks that helped a lot!
> I use now the jetty server-connector and not only did the speed improve,
> but also (so far) the error can't be reproduced with Internet Explorer.
> Everythings just fine! thanks again :-)
> p.s. so yeah - it seems that the internal server just has some problems
> handling/delivering http-chunks (in combination with Internet-Explorer as
> client), or so...
> Best regards
> Ralf
> Thierry Boileau schrieb:
>  Hi Ralf
>>  >Maybe I should try another, like the Apache tomcat? I'll have to look
>> how to do that.
>> Oh, that's simple, have a look at this page:
>> http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.1/connectors
>> You only have to put the jar of one of the server connectors and the jars
>> of its dependencies (try with Jetty first) in your classpath. Et voilĂ ,
>> that's all!
>> best regards,
>> Thierry Boileau
>>  Hi, first its nice to hear I'm not the only one with this problem. It's
>>> driving me crazy... ;-)
>>> Yes, I also have the problem very randomly (sometimes it loads just fine,
>>> sometimes it doesn't even do CSS, sometimes there are the numbers) but
>>> _only_ with IE and the internal noelios server. Until now I have only used
>>> the internal server connector, as its easy to setup and use for
>>> testing-purposes. Maybe I should try another, like the Apache tomcat? I'll
>>> have to look how to do that.
>>> Do you by any chance know if this htpp-chunking can be disabled via the
>>> restlet-api? To test my theory that its the http-chunking thats causing the
>>> errors...
>>> Ralf
>>> Thierry Boileau schrieb:
>>>> Hello Ralf,
>>>> I've encountered also this strange behaviour but randomly and only a few
>>>> times with the internal server connector.
>>>> What is yours? Did you try to use another one?
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Thierry Boileau
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm getting strange errors when loading restlet-pages in IE, it
>>>>> sometimes does insert seemingly random numbers at the start of the page 
>>>>> and
>>>>> at the end like
>>>>> 800
>>>>> <page>
>>>>> 0
>>>>> I did some reseach and think it has to do with
>>>>> chunked-transfer-encoding of http packets.
>>>>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding)
>>>>> for some reasons IE (6&7) don't seem to handle chunked http-packets
>>>>> correctly and inserts the chunk-length as content or so. Needless to say
>>>>> this totally screws up my pages...
>>>>> At least this is the only explanation I have as other browsers don't
>>>>> have this problem (did I mention that I HATE IE?).
>>>>> BTW, I'm using the integrated Noelios HTTP-server.
>>>>> Anyone else getting this?
>>>>> Anyone knows how I can disable the hppt-chunking on the noelios
>>>>> http-server?
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Ralf

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