Because the names of the high level methods in 1.0 were confusing, a fair
bit of this was changed for Restlet 1.1.  In 1.1, you are principally
working with represent(...) for GET and acceptRepresentation(...) for POST.
In either 1.0 or 1.1, the getRequest and getResponse methods allow you to
interact with these objects.
 getRequest().getResourceReference().getQueryAsForm() is probably what you

I will pedantically observe that if you are using query strings, you may not
have an optimally resource-oriented API.  Query strings are frequently
(though not always) indicative of an imperative, non-REST design.  If you
already know this and or/don't care, ignore the pedantry ...

- Rob

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 6:38 PM, Mark Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it the case that the Resource method "public Representation
> getRepresentation(Variant variant)" is the method to override to handle an
> HTTP GET on the resource?  If yes, how would one acquire references to any
> parameters to the GET call (e.g., the x and foo in /res?x=foo).  If not,
> when is this method called and typically by whom or what?

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