
I'm trying to understand why the GwtShellServletWrapper doesn't start in hosted 
mode. It seems to be some classloader problems...

Anyway, I found something that I'm feeling it's not right

in org.restlet.engine.Engine.java, in the loadClass(String className). In line :

result = Class.forName(className);

this can result in a ClassNotFoundException that will make the method throw 
that exception and the last two conditions will never be evaluated.

In hosted mode, I'm only having success if I surround this code with a 
try/catch and ignore the exception.

I can load the class with the ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()

However, in org.restlet.ext.gwt.GwtShellServletWrapper, lines:

this.gwtShellServletServiceMethod = this.gwtShellServlet.getClass()

The method cannot be found in the class... that's why I suspect that can be 
some classloader problems.

any hint?


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