Hi Rob,

Rob Heittman wrote:
> Hi all...
> I think today I lost my last fight with HttpClient misbehavior...  
> Failure to consume entity (not in my control) consumes a connection;  
> subsequent attempts block ... This is a crummy failure mode.  I'm weary.
> I'd like a Restlet client connector that provides the performance  
> benefit of  simple http/1.1 persistent connections, but is more  
> aligned with Restlet API, and maybe even could support a Restlet/GWT  
> style async callback.
> Anybody got the URL of a good alternative library to integrate ... Or  
> should I just start with the Net client connector and go my own way?

Here are a few pointers that may be of interest:

Apache HttpClient 4.x support in Restlet:

Jetty Client:

Plans for a Grizzly Http Client:

Best wishes,



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