Hi there, 

I'm totally new to Restlet and to REST architecture, so perhaps I still have a 
fuzzy idea of what it's all about. For the moment, I'm being totally amazed by 
what I've read that can be done with restlet. 

Well, let's get to the point. I've downloaded the latest release (Restlet 2.0 
M3) of Restlet, but now I'm getting a bit confused since I cannot be sure that 
everything will work fine. I was checking the API Docs and found out that the 
Post annotation, for instance, is not complete : 
http://www.restlet.org/documentation/2.0/api/ . Does it prevent me from doing 
POST calls to a Resource ? is it equivalent to the 'protected Representation 
post(Representation entity)              throws ResourceException {' method?  

Sorry for this newbie question.


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