Ouf... I couldn't think of a good title for this mail (sorry). Here's
the situation:

I have the following URI routing (simplified resource class names for
this example, both classes extend ServerResource):

router.attach("/workspaces/{wksp}/releases", WRR.class);
router.attach("/workspaces/{wksp}/releases/{rel}", WRR.class);
router.attach("/workspaces/{wksp}/releases/{rel}/{langOrFile}", WRFR.class);
router.attach("/workspaces/{wksp}/releases/{rel}/{lang}/{file}", WRFR.class);

The WRR class supports the DELETE method:

public Representation delete() throws ResourceException {

The WRFR class supports the GET method with 3 possible variants: XML,
HTML, binary stream (a.k.a. a file's content):

public void doInit() throws ResourceException {
List<Variant> variants = new ArrayList<Variant>();
variants.add(new Variant(MediaType.APPLICATION_XHTML));
variants.add(new Variant(MediaType.TEXT_XML));
variants.add(new Variant(MediaType.TEXT_HTML));
getVariants().put(Method.GET, variants);
// The 3rd variant, binary stream, will be handled by get(), no need
to declare it here (I guess...)

Now, here's the problem: I'd like to be able to perform a GET request
to WRR too, but the request must be handled by WRFR instead.
That is, I'd like to be able to say something like:

GET /workspaces/w1/releases/ReleaseName

and have it handled by WRFR (which already has all logic to do it),
instead of WRR (as setup in the routing). The above particular request
would list all files belonging to release ReleaseName.

I've tried this on WRR:

public Representation get(Variant variant) throws ResourceException {
    WRFR wrfr = new WRFR();
    return wrfr.get(variant); // Wired internally to another resource

And from the logs it seems the correct sequence is being performed:
WRR.get() is called which in turn calls WRFR.get() but I'm getting
NPEs all over the place. Tried also without calling doInit()
explicitly (I guess the ServerResource calls it by default, right?)

Is this the correct way to wire restlets internally? Is there any
other (more elegant, more performant, "just working", whatever)
solution to this problem?

I can provide concrete examples of code with log traces if this will
help you helping me fix this issue.

Thanks in advance for your prompt and accurate (as usual) answer!

P.S. There is a simple solution for my problem: GET
/workspaces/w1/releases/ReleaseName/ROOT (or changing ROOT for any
other hardcoded word), and adding simple logic on WRFR to handle this
particular case, but it's neither intuitive (natural), nor elegant, so
I'm discarding it for now.

Fabián Mandelbaum
IS Engineer


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