Hello Johnson,

this information is specific to the HTTP_DIGEST authentication scheme, 
here is the related excerpt from the rfc 2069 :

     A comma-separated list of URIs, as specified for HTTP/1.0. The
     intent is that the client could use this information to know the
     set of URIs for which the same authentication information should be
     sent.  The URIs in this list may exist on different servers. If
     this keyword is omitted or empty, the client should assume that the
     domain consists of all URIs on the responding server.

A client may remember the username, password and nonce values, so that 
future requests within the specified <domain> may include the 
Authorization header preemptively.

I hope this will help you.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Thanks thboileau,
> yes, you are right.
> but I still don't understand what baseUris means in Guard class. what can we 
> do with it?
> Do we just use it like: 
> Collection<String> baseUris = new ArrayList<String>();
> then put empty baseUris into the constructor of Guard or its subclass?
> can I put something into it or not? why?
> Can you explain it to me?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Johnson
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2371684


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