I managed to get ServerServlet working with the Equinox servletbridge in 
Tomcat, but it was not without problems.  I finally tracked the problem down to 
the MANIFEST.MF in org.restlet.ext.servlet.  When the servletbridge is 
deployed, the javax.servlet bundle is deployed as well for convienence.  The 
servletbridge exports the javax.servlet package from Tomcat and effectively 
ignores the javax.servlet bundle.  The "uses:" clause in 
org.restlet.ext.servlet appears to force that bundle to bind to the 
javax.servlet package from the deployed javax.servlet bundle instead of the 
javax.servlet package from Tomcat.  The result is a ClassCastException when the 
servletbridge tries to cast ServerServlet to Servlet.  Removing the "uses:" 
clause from the MANIFEST.MF fixes the problem.  Is there any reason the "uses:" 
clause is required?



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