On 11/09/10 17:47, Jerome Louvel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Marc, Tal, would you mind updating the "Powered by" page in the community 
> wiki so people can find out themselves about your projects based on Restlet? 
> http://wiki.restlet.org/community/165-restlet.html
> Back to the original question, this is possible to use FreeMarker or Velocity 
> templates in Restlet like you would do with JSP, but as Vincent pointed out, 
> this require manual work for each REST resource you want to expose as HTML, 
> in addition to JSON/XML.
> Good news, is that we are planning to simplify this binding in version 2.1 
> but associating the template files with representation beans based on the 
> bean qualified class name. The converter service would allow the developer to 
> indicate where the template lives, for example in the classpath next to the 
> bean class or in a separate directory.

That would be a nice addition even for other higher level frameworks 
like Prudence and Kauri as sometimes
the ressource representation is right at Restlet level (considering it 
at the ressource/model layer).

Let take an example in my small domain where I need to give XML 
responses to differents phones (manufacturers dialects)
from the exact same ressource. Without your addition I'm forced to make 
contrieved routes for separating
the REST URI added query parameters and then exposing in the REST routes 
some templating parameters
(like a format).
either through something like :

GET <ressource_path>/queue/200  That list let say attributes for a phone 
queue 200
and then

GET <ressource_path>/queue/200?template=aastra
GET <ressource_path>/queue/200?template=cisco

or adopting a view separation mapped to a template finder

GET <ressource_path>/view/aastra/queue/200
GET <ressource_path>/view/cisco/queue/200

in both case there is somewhat two layers (model and view) that get 
mixed still
not getting the full view as for example I could have the ressource 
processed further.

Having a bean annotation would do this kind of second routing
(kinda like Prudence is doing on its nice routing over Restlets but at a 
lower level
more in par with an OO decomposition).


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