On 10/09/10 09:15, Marc Portier wrote:
> you might want to give http://kauriproject.org a try
> it has restlet and all its goodies underneath, but adds
>    - a java and rest-service-wiring (based on spring and then some)
>    - some templating, routing, and client-side ajax/js support (including
> a form-model) that helps out in this webservice to UI transition
> we're wrapping up a 0.4 release in the near future
Hi mark,

I admit I have looked at Kauri but some time ago and lack of documentation
(and time to try) make me not considering it.

I see that you have made lots of improvements on the doc side
the mavenization is also nice, I will give it a try, thanks for the 
update ;-)


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