The DEFLATE issues:

The decoding/encoding issue is trickier, and may require some discussion:

I'm copy-pasting my suggested solution here, in case the mailing list would 
like to chime in with ideas:

For chunking, it is necessary for the channel to decode the entity and 
re-encode the separate chunks. However, a much more optimal situation would be 
for this extra decoding/re-encoding not to occur.

I can think of two possible solutions:

1. If Restlet knows that it will have to re-encode the entity, it should set 
the preferred Encoding to null for downstream, while storing a flag (request 
attribute?) telling it to encode on the way back. This way a ServerResource 
would know to provide an un-encoded entity and let ReadableChunkingChannel 
handle all the encoding. The advantage of this solution is that it's entirely 
transparent and would work for existing code. Unfortunately, if the 
ServerResource supports caching of any kind, it would not be able to cache 
encoded chunked representations.

2. It may be possible for ServerResource to detect that chunking is happening, 
in which case there may be a way to create a special kind of Representation 
(ChunkedRepresentation?) that encodes each chunks separately. The advantage of 
this solution is in the ability for caching optimization: the ServerResource 
would be able to cache ChunkedRepresentations according to chunk size and avoid 
unnecessary encoding.

Ideally, Restlet would support both! However, I imagine that option #1 would be 
best as the default mode, with an API allowing a ServerResource to handle 
chunking via option #2.


I should note that as Prudence developer, I would strongly suggest that option 
#2 exist. Prudence does aggressive caching, and separately caches entities in 
all encoded variations, guaranteeing that encoding only ever happens once for 
cached entities. Unfortunately, option #1 would break this optimization and 
introduce encoding. (It's much worst at the moment, because Restlet will decode 
and re-encode.)


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