I think the proper location for these artifacts are:


Apache Solr should update the groupId of their dependencies to include 
the targeted platform, e.g. "org.restlet.jee".

On 17/04/2013 11:49, Darryl Miles wrote:
> Great work.
> But what is broken in the Maven repo ?
> http://maven.restlet.org/org/restlet/org.restlet/  (should a 2.1.1 version be 
> here?)
> http://maven.restlet.org/org/restlet/org.restlet.ext.servlet/  (same again, 
> should a 2.1.1 version be here?)
> I have Apache Solr 4.2.1 and it references:
> org.restlet:org.restlet:2.1.1
> org.restlet:org.restlet.ext.servlet:2.1.1


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