Hmm, digging in on this a bit more, I'm not sure it fully works for what I'm 
trying to do.  The issue seems to be in the handling of the {rr} template.

In other words, if I'm just redirecting a single URI to another (i.e. 
http://foo/a to http://bar/b), this approach works, but if I want to redirect 
all children URIs to the respective children URIs of the target.

That is, if I have I request
and I want to attach at http://foo:port/a and redirect to http://bar:port/b/c 
(by rewriting the target reference), it doesn't seem to work if I create a 
MyRedirector (my derivation of Redirector) that has an attach point of 
http://foo:port/a and a target template of {rr} whereas before in my static 
redirector I was doing http://bar:port/{rr} and everything was good.



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