What I have found interesting is that the New FLEX developer was built using Eclipse. IMHO if you are wanting to get the latest studio that will be the next IDE for development (not trying to promote but rather keep up) then the Eclipse with CFEclipse might be your best bet.  I am currently working with Cingular and they provide the Dreamweaver Ver 8 on the desk when you walk in.  I loaded the Eclipse with CFEclipse and my only complaint would be that Dreamweaver has an FTP on save where Eclipse/CFEclipse does not.  With our current environment that is a necessity to the developers with our testing servers being on UNIX systems and not on the local box.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 08:07
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Editor Options for CF7 (Macromedia Studio 8? Homesite? Some other editor?)


Not quite: CF Studio was indeed built from HomeSite, virtually identical except that it added various CFML-specific feature (and things like RDS support). Both product evolved together and could be bought separately, with Studio always about 3-times more expensive. When MM decided to create the Studio MX line, they had to do something with CF Studio, both in name and in packaging. So they renamed it to HomeSite+.


You can no longer purchase CF Studio, nor can you purchase HS+ alone. It is indeed still being made and updated, but it's just available only on the DWMX or Studio MX CDs. While you don't see it as one of the options when you run the main installer, it can be found on the CD as an executable. In that sense, CF Studio lives on in HS+, and technically HS+ is now "free" (but only to those with a license for DWMX or Studio MX).


HomeSite also still exists as its own product, lacking the features that always distinguished CF Studio.


And to answer Gordon's original question, the version of CFML support that HS+ would have depends on the version of DWMX/Studio MX on whose CD you installed it from. If from DWMX or DWMX/2004, it would have help, tag insight, and so on for the CF6 tags and functions. As of DWMX 8, it would have CF7 support.


Note that you can also update your tag help, insight, etc. with free updates from Adobe that will work on either HS, CF Studio, or HS+. The CF7 updater is at: http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/downloads/ (look in the middle of the page for HomeSite+). If I recall, it only adds what was new, so if you are trying to add it to CF Studio or an old version of HomeSite or HomeSite+ that didn't have the CFMX 6/6.1 tag updates, you may lack those. If anyone recalls differently, or has a link for the CFMX 6/6.1 updaters for HS/HS+, please do share.





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:56 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Editor Options for CF7 (Macromedia Studio 8? Homesite? Some other editor?)

As far as I know … yes … Homesite version is almost identical from what I remember … I assume Homesite+ may have a few new features over CF Studio ... can’t remember for sure because it has been a few years since using CF Studio …


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of allen
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:00 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Editor Options for CF7 (Macromedia Studio 8? Homesite? Some other editor?)


Call me cooky but wasnt CF Studio built FROM homesite?

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