Thank you all for your insight.  This indeed is exactly the issue and
resolution.  I simply changed the name of the query (since a column in
the query had the same name as the query name) and it worked fine on
CF5.  I suspect the reason this was never an issue to begin with in CFMX
is likely do the fact that MX is built on top of Java and therefore
variables are case sensitive.

Thanks again for the quality feedback from the list members and thank
you indeed Mischa.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mischa
Uppelschoten ext 10
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:29 AM
Subject: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Embedded CF in Javascript

Check this thread:

Highly likely because you have a field with the name "Category" and the
query itself is called "category".

Here are the parts of my code that the error is referring to.  Be
mindful that this functionality and code works nicely as intended on all
three CFMX machines but not on the lone CF5 machine. 
The code is simply for dependent select drop-downs.  The first drop down
displays the major categories form the database and the 2nd and 3rd drop
down equally displays the sub categories of the category selected in the
first drop down. 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
<cfquery name="Category" datasource="EPLCommunity"> 
           SELECT ID, Category 
           FROM Business_Cats 
           WHERE SubCatOf = 0 
           ORDER BY Category  
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<!-- Begin 
biz_cat = new Array( 
<cfloop query="Category" startrow="1" endrow="#Category.RecordCount#"> 
<cfquery name="SubCategory" datasource="EPLCommunity"> 
           SELECT ID, Category 
           FROM Business_Cats 
           WHERE SubCatOf = #ID# 
           ORDER BY Category 
new Array( 
<CFLOOP query="SubCategory" startrow="1"
new Array("#SubCategory.Category#", #SubCategory.ID#)<CFIF
SubCategory.CurrentRow LT SubCategory.RecordCount>,</CFIF> 
)<CFIF Category.CurrentRow LT Category.RecordCount>,</CFIF> 
function fillSelectFromArray(selectCtrl, itemArray, goodPrompt,
badPrompt, defaultItem) { 
var i, j; 
var prompt; 
// empty existing items 
for (i = selectCtrl.options.length; i >= 0; i--) { 
selectCtrl.options[i] = null;  
prompt = (itemArray != null) ? goodPrompt : badPrompt; 
if (prompt == null) { 
j = 0; 
else { 
selectCtrl.options[0] = new Option(prompt); 
j = 1; 
if (itemArray != null) { 
// add new items 
for (i = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++) { 
selectCtrl.options[j] = new Option(itemArray[i][0]); 
if (itemArray[i][1] != null) { 
selectCtrl.options[j].value = itemArray[i][1];  
// select first item (prompt) for sub list 
selectCtrl.options[0].selected = true; 
//  End --> 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy Payne
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Embedded CF in Javascript 
We would need to see the code that the error is referring to.


On 8/21/06, McTure, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >wrote: 

This is a general question to see if anyone has ran into issues with
embedded CFML code in JavaScript with a page working in CFMX and not in
CF5?  The code I have works as intended in CFMX but I get the following
error on CF5?  Any suggestions that anyone may have on the cause and/or
resolution of this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance. 
 Error Diagnostic Information 
Cannot set default query to CATEGORY  
A query by this name is not available at this time  
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
of (CFLOOP), occupying document position (257:1) to (257:76). 

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Mischa Uppelschoten
The Banker's Exchange, Inc.
2020 Hills Avenue NW
Atlanta, GA  30318

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Fax:    (404) 355-7930
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