Just a few 'two-cents-worth' remarks from an erstwhile  CF5 programmer recently returned to programming (therefore new to CF8) after 5-years engaged in other pursuits (well, okay, maybe only cent per remark for a total of six cents):

1.  I concur that using Dreamweavercan be a big mistake. I tried that with an app I developed not long after the purchase of CF by Macromedia, and it filled my pages with lots of arcane code that it took me months to gradually get rid of and re-write in a form which I could maintain. Far better to have code one UNDERSTANDS (or code which is encapsulated, not intermixed with one's higher-level code)!

2. I was happy with my old CF Studio till I finally got sick of its tendency to display double quotes (") as single quotes ('), leaving one always in doubt as to what is really there. So I recently switched to Eclipse.

3. However, in Eclipse, the only way I have so far found to turn off the annoying little window that pops up explaining what each tag is used for has been to set its delay to 9999 milliseconds.

4. And, like CF Studio, Eclipse is sometimes inaccurate in its color-highlighting scheme. Apparently, this happens most often when you delete something somewhere in the midst of widely separated opening and closing tags, and can be fixed by adding a space just before the mistakenly highlighted element, and then deleting that space. But it's a nuisance.

5. It's also a nuisance that one cannot drag a .cfm from Windows Explorer to an Eclipse session that's already open. I refer here to dragging it to the Eclipse's desktop icon, not into the open Eclipse window.

6. Finally, I have found it impossible to open a new .cfm from within Eclipse. When I try this, it tells me that a File Container must be specified - whatever that is. And it offers a Browse button, which opens a little window in which everything is grayed out. >>> THERE IS SURELY A WAY AROUND THIS ONE - CAN ANYONE PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME?

Again, that's just my six cents - only 12% of the toll on highway 400 even if it were real instead of virtual...


-----Original Message-----
From: John Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jan 15, 2008 2:11 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF IDE

There's actually a lot (over 50% according to Ben) that still use DW, Studio or Homesite. It's just a case of people liking the IDE they use and not wanting to change. I think they are going to add their support for CFEclipse. Flex builder is in Eclipse and CFEclipse has a good following. I doubt they would do a completely new IDE. But thank Adobe for taking this on. IMHO, Macromedia really didn't help this situation and actually made it more confusing with DW.

John Mason

www.FusionLink.com - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Ross
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 2:04 PM
To: ACFUG ColdFusion Discussion
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CF IDE

I heard this at a meeting and see from a survey that Adobe is interested in which IDE everyone uses and what features they like most. I'm just curious why there is this great need for Adobe to make an IDE for coldfusion? 

My first few thoughts: 

Refactoring support, step debugger, and code insight for custom methods - all things CFEclipse doesn't give you for free.

Is it that most people just don't like (or get) Eclipse?

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] 267-482-4364
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]

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