Steven thank you for the reply. Mixed results. One worked, one did not, haven't tried accessing the multiple children (yet).

Accessing the struct item (link/href) works fine. In fact, I gave that a whirl later in the night after sending this message ...
        for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
arrayImportRentMktCom[i][2] = selectedElements [i].link.XmlAttributes.href;

Handling the fn:image is still a problem however ...
        for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
arrayImportRentMktCom[i][3] = selectedElements[i]. ["fn:image"].XmlText;

The above gives an error ===> Problem occurred while parsing, Encountered "[" at line: 10, column: 70

Tried with and without square brackets, and with quotes only. No luck. What am I missing here?

Derrick Peavy
Sales and Web Services
A Service of Universal Advertising, inc.

On Jun 11, 2008, at 8:26 AM, Steven Ross wrote:

to reference fn:image I believe you would do the same as when you want to preserve the case of a struct and use brackets and the name ie: XMLDoc["fn:image"].XMLText

multiple child elements of the same name... thats kinda tricky but, it would be easy enough to select only the child nodes of a specific node with XMLSearch and specifying the relative path to the node ie: XMLSearch(thexml, "//parentnode/duplicatenodename")

XMLAttributes property will give you the attributes of a node... syntax is NodeName.XMLAttributes.attributeName


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Derrick Peavy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've been working with various XML documents, importing them and then putting select data into a database. I am having problems with new types of files and cannot seem to find an answer (Google). Maybe I am not using the right terms when searching. But I hope someone here can help.

For the most part, it's all straight forward. I have been using this kind of code....

selectedElements = XmlSearch(XmlParse(trim(cfhttp.fileContent)), "/ feed/feed_item/");
        for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
                arrayImportRentMktCom[i][1] = 
        for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
                arrayImportRentMktCom[i][2] = selectedElements[i].link.XmlText;
        for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
                arrayImportRentMktCom[i][3] = selectedElements[i].image.XmlText;

However, I am pretty green with this type of data handling when it's not a simple structure. The problem I am having is when I encounter feeds with structures such as:

                <link href="somelink.html"/>
<summary>Summary of the item within the XML data structure that is being read.</summary>

1. When viewing the remote XML file using --- XmlParse(trim (cfhttp.fileContent)) --- I see that the link is a structure with an href element. How do you grab that data?

2. How do you deal with multiple child elements with the same name?

3. How do you deal with a colon in the element name?

Derrick Peavy
Sales and Web Services
A Service of Universal Advertising, inc.

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] (404) 592-6885
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]

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