I'm trying to finish up a cfm/cfc page that will send out about 3,000 eMail
messages. The messages are press releases and they go to a database of
magazine editors, radio/TV stations, etc. Also, the messages have to be
individually personalized.


John told me: "Don't try to send 3000 all at once. You'll lock up your mail
spool.  Do small 50-120 size batches every 10 minutes."


Plus, I got a timeout error when I tried to run the page.


So, please point me in the right direction. Right now, I'm thinking:

.         Use cfschedule to call a page every 10 minutes. The page then
sends 100 messages.

.         Keep track of which emails have been sent and which page of the
query should get sent next.

.         Cancel the cfschedule after all the messages are done.


Does anyone have a better suggestion for how to go about this?





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