Nov 6, 2019, 07:36 by

Here is a blog summarizing the scandal about the FSFE meeting minutes
My God, Daniel, I'm shocked! I've been saying all this time we have to hire a 
bodyguard for you, but I've always hoped nothing will happen. But now you 
reveal that they even attacked you on your motorcycle and tried to kill you! 
Have you considered filing a complaint? Google is powerful, but the police are 
even more powerful at the moment and may be able to bring the one FSFE rider to 
justice. And the fact that they are so stupid in their minutes to admit how 
they treated you, our true hero, is unbelievable! I don't understand how they 
can be so sneaky and clever and at the same time so stupid! And they even say 
they know you're either killing yourself or you're killing them. And you've 
already written that they scream like little pigs getting stabbed. So they know 
what you're up to and continue anyway. So much stupidity!

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