On 8/11/05, James Yonan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm the author of OpenVPN.

> Please give me more info on this and/or any patches you might have so we
> can fix this.
> For example, you say that "I blew up a firewall in 2 minutes flat" -- but
> what do you mean by this?  What did OpenVPN do that affected your
> firewall?  It doesn't quite make sense to me as OpenVPN doesn't do
> anything with firewalls.  It's just a user-space application which doesn't
> change any kernel level settings aside from opening and ioctling a tun/tap
> device and perhaps adding a route.

What happened was it altered the optional interfaces and then the
system basically stopped working altogether.   I'm not sure exactly
what happened and at at that point I contacted you asking if you have
newer patches and you said that the newer patches that you had would
fix this problem and also add bridging capabilities.   Are you any
further along on these patches?   We're about to freeze the code for
the 1st release and I would love to get this fixed so we can include


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