On 9/1/05, Bill Marquette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The scheduling is the difficult one...it really really needs to be part of
> PF before we can add it (and if it requires polling servers, I can guarantee
> it won't make it in).  Bottom line is we aren't a load balancer, this wasn't
> a terribly difficult feature to add, but full blown load balancer features
> would be.  I wouldn't expect much more from our LB implementation, it wasn't
> ever designed to replace an F5 or Foundry box, just supply an easy to use,
> quick and minimal LB.

I wouldn't let the above discourage people that are on these platforms
to give us a try.   I really would like to see feedback of future
direction.  As we're a very young project I'm quite surprised we've
got this many features before release.    So any feedback you can give
will help out a lot (good or bad!)


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