I researched this long ago and have been in touch with the author who ported lvs to freebsd. Even if it did work well it doesn't support pfsync (according to the author) which is a huge drawback. Once slbd is stable pfSense will be nearly on par with what commercial firewalls offer (with regard to load balancing). pfSense is already miles beyond any other OSS fw project. I spend a month researching every OSS fw under the sun. If you have advanced load balancing needs then you might just consider creating one or two LVS boxes and putting them behind your firewall. It runs on low end hardware just fine.

On 9/1/05, Bill Marquette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The scheduling is the difficult one...it really really needs to be part of PF before we can add it (and if it requires polling servers, I can guarantee it won't make it in). Bottom line is we aren't a load balancer, this wasn't
a terribly difficult feature to add, but full blown load balancer features
would be. I wouldn't expect much more from our LB implementation, it wasn't
ever designed to replace an F5 or Foundry box, just supply an easy to use,
quick and minimal LB.

I wouldn't let the above discourage people that are on these platforms
to give us a try.   I really would like to see feedback of future
direction.  As we're a very young project I'm quite surprised we've
got this many features before release.    So any feedback you can give
will help out a lot (good or bad!)


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