Greg Hennessy wrote:
That's ~20 megabits/sec, not bad for an IP-120 given its horsepower

Not for m0n0wall/FreeBSD 4.x. That box should be about the same speed as a Soekris 4801 or WRAP, either of which will hit ~40-45 Mbps. If this were pfsense/FreeBSD 6.x, I would say ~20 Mbps is low, but acceptable. Neither FreeBSD 5 or 6 will even boot on the Nokia IP1xx's though (kernel panics). Though I have heard one person complain of poor performance (~25 Mbps tops, IIRC) on a IP110 with m0n0wall, so there may be something odd with that hardware that makes it slower than it appears it should be given the specs.

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