On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 11:22:25 +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> In my opinion, not every application should deal on its own with "alerting"
> the user, because a standard solution already exists: The X Windows beep.
> Not only does it not require modifying every little application, and it is
> completely standard in the X-using world (not specific to "Linux", "KDE",
> "Fedora", or anything of that sort), it even works when you run remote
> applications, like good old X was supposed to support.

Just to emphasize Nadav's point, VNC which does NOT transfer sound,
do perform the "beep" (make a bell sound) on the viewer side.

I suggest that if you do catch this event, you should ADD to it, not
replace it (unless it irritate you and that's your reason to catch it).


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