On Sunday, 11 בJuly 2010 11:08:59 Omer Zak wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-07-11 at 10:57 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
> > > In other words, if August Penguin proves to be wildly popular and
> > > 100,000 people want to follow the lectures, will gobby be able to cope
> > > with it?
> > 
> > Probably not. If you anticipate such a wild success, you'd be better off
> > with a good IRC server (not to mention bandwidth, CPU, RAM capacity
> > planning).
> Then let's plan on using IRC right from beginning and we won't have to
> worry about capacity.  It means:
> 1. I'll select an IRC client.  It needs to have configurable font size
> and to write all stuff to a logfile (IIRC, they are basic features of
> modern IRC clients).
> 2. Need a fallback plan to continue typing if we lose Internet
> connection and the IRC client cannot be used.
> 3. Recommendations for IRC server and channel name (#augustpenguin2010
> anyone?)?  I'll also need to configure it so that except for my laptop,
> people will only be able to read from it, not to post to it.

Omer, let me re-quote the relevant sentence from my mail:
> Now that I mentioned it... you can install 'ircd' on the laptop and
> use it as well... (but gobby is easier because there's no real setup needed)

Omer, 'ircd' is an IRC *SERVER* not client.

If you install it on your laptop (and you know how to configure it), than:
 1. All attendees can /join on the local net (even without Internet
 2. If an Internet connection exists (and IRC ports aren't blocked on the
    firewall, which is a very common case), also non-attendees may read
    it online.
 3. Anybody that /join'ed can have a local copy of the log and read it
    at a later time, or upload it for the benefit of people who could
    not attend or /join.


My 'gobby' suggestion fit your original need and is so much easier
(have you configured/managed an IRC server?) that I wonder why are we
trying to solve a hypothetical 100,000 subscribers problem.

Have you tried gobby at all? (let's say with 5 people?)

I am really sorry I even brought the IRC word on this list to begin with...


Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
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