On 03/27/2014 05:28 AM, Jan Kaluža wrote:

I wanted to improve Phusion Passenger package in Fedora and found out
that it requires (and currently bundles) libeio [1]. I wanted to
unbundle libeio [1], but found out it conflicts with Eio [2] from
Englightenment world.

Both libraries provides libeio library and therefore conflicts with each
other. I've contacted both upstreams ([3], [4]) and discussed the
possible renaming of one library, but unfortunately they are not
interested in renaming.

As I suggested in the fedora downstream ticket... I'd urge strong consideration of renaming *both* libraries. Ask both upstreams their preferences for renaming, but make it clear that not renaming is not an option.

I'd assume (hope!) other distributions would favor this approach as well. I'd encourage other distros to followup here and in the upstream references made by Jan, to help come to consensus on the best way forward.

-- Rex

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