Gerry Reno wrote:
> Andrew Straw wrote:
>> Gerry Reno wrote:
>>> Ok, here is the simplest way that I got stdeb working on Hardy:
>>> $ easy_install stdeb  # installs 0.3
>>> copied stdeb egg to workarea and edited and removed all
>>> "--single-version-externally-managed" options
>>> repackaged egg
>>> copied egg back to site-packages
>> OK, but now your packages built with stdeb going to be (even more)
>> different from standard Debian/Ubuntu Python packages -- they're going
>> to install their files as an .egg (directory or zip file). For example,
>> do "dpkg --contents python-my-package_1.0-1.deb" and compare that to
>> standard python packages.
> Ok, I just built a .deb using modified stdeb 0.3 on hardy and looked
> at the contents and it's like this:
> ./usr/share/pyshared/myapp/dir1/...(list of files)
> ./usr/share/pyshared/myapp/dir2/...
> ./usr/share/pyshared/myapp/dir3/...
> I don't see anything about egg.  And it looks very similar to other
> .deb in /var/cache that I checked.

That's good. And surprising to me...

> How much difference would I see if it was egg?
Hmm, good question. Now that you find this, I'm really not sure.

Scratches head and wonders if he's been basing his ideas off old
versions of software,
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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