Gerry Reno wrote:
> Andrew,
> Here's another patch attempt. Is this what you had in mind?
> Regards,
> Gerry
OK, I looked at this, and now I'm throughly confused by what you are
trying to do. Back to your big picture, as I understood it, you were
trying to avoid importing setuptools because you derive some distutils
commands and you don't want to derive from the setuptools versions. And
the --single-version-externally-managed was giving you problems because
that's not supported by distutils.

But A) I can't see how this patch would address the issue of setuptools
not being imported, because that still happens. And B) the patch as you
sent it was incomplete, requiring more work on my part even to be able
to get it to run without raising exceptions. So I'm not sure that I
actually "get" what your patch does here. I attempted to do my best and
have now started a branch for this patch and subsequent efforts. See . My testing on this
issue has been based on the version in this branch. Please either submit
any patches off the old-stable branch or extending this gerry-reno branch.

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