On 5 Oct, 2009, at 16:25, K. Richard Pixley wrote:

Ronald Oussoren wrote:
For beginners this issue is a showstopper that they cannot resolve without help.

I'm a relative beginner to distutils/setuptools/distribute, but a long time configuration/build/packaging professional. You're mistaken if you think that any of these technologies are suitable for beginners. The state of python package distribution resembles the state of linux packages circa 1995, except that it isn't very well documented at all.

I didn't say that distutils is suitable for beginners, but beginners to use them and are confused when they stop working.

Easy_install certainly isn't, and never has been. My first questions about easy_install, (how do I get a list of installed packages? How do I upgrade all installed packages? How do I delete a package using easy_install?) are all unanswerable.

All of these are not yet implemented. PJE has mentioned that he wants to work on this in for setuptools 0.7, but development of setuptools has completely stalled. The distribute package was created because of this, and development is moving forward again.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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