On Mon, 5 Oct 2015 14:11:56 +0100
Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Being a Windows user, I hadn't caught the parallel between
> Wheel-Source wheel and RPM-Source RPM (is there also a similar
> deb-source deb pair?)
> But if the concept works for people with a Linux background, I'm OK with it.

The "source RPM" concept is actually confusing since, IIUC, a
"source RPM" is nothing like a normal RPM (i.e. you can't install it
using the "rpm" tool). It should actually be called a "RPM
source" (again, IIUC).

> (My main concern is that end users commonly make requests to projects
> saying "please provide wheels". I don't want that nice simple concept
> to get confused, if we can avoid it).




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