If warehouse punted to a tool like pandoc already, I would see no problem with 
adding support for everything that pandoc supported (can you imagine – 
reademe.docx?), but just skimming the requirements file, they are pulling in 
docutils and mistune, which means they have written warehouse to support rst 
and markdown, and it is not non-trivial (or less non-trivial) to support other 
markup languages.


Markdown won in the wider world.  Supporting that is obvious.


RestructuredText has inertia in the python community.  Supporting that is 


Org-mode?  Asciidoc?  Txt2tags? Textile? Mediawiki?  BB Code?  Where do you 
draw the line?  I think the two languages the tooling currently support are 
sufficient for now.


From: Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:04 PM
To: Diane Trout <di...@ghic.org>
Cc: distutils-sig@python.org
Subject: [Distutils] Re: org-mode README file formats



On Tue, 8 May 2018 at 11:00 Diane Trout <di...@ghic.org <mailto:di...@ghic.org> 
> wrote:

On Tue, 2018-05-08 at 16:44 +0000, Brett Cannon wrote:


On Mon, 7 May 2018 at 16:54 Diane Trout <di...@ghic.org <mailto:di...@ghic.org> 
> wrote:


I was building a package where I had a README.org file, which
setuptools couldn't find.

It listed .md as a valid format, so I was wondering if org-mode was
sufficiently plain text to be added to the list of accepted README file


What's org-mode? Sounds like an Emacs thing based on what I have heard Emacs 
people say. :)

If it is an Emacs thing then I would vote "no" since that's very 
editor-specific and I suspect trying to support every plaintext file format is 


Well yes, it's certainly most powerful, flexible, and feature complete with 
emacs, but there is work on org-mode support in vim and sublime. Additionally 
org-mode syntax is supported by GitHub, GitLab, and pandoc.



There's also an argument that org-mode is a good lightweight markup language in 
and of itself.



Since it is breaking out of its source community I thought it at least worth 
asking about. Out of curiosity, do you have a feeling for how popular a 
lightweight markup language needs to be before it gets added to the list of 
setuptools recognized formats?


When you can say "has broken out" instead of "is breaking out". ;)

Basically if the majority of people at a Python conference won't know the 
format then the burden on the volunteers to support it isn't probably worth it 
IMO. But since I'm not maintaining Warehouse it isn't my call, just my opinion.

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