Hello everyone,

I've been looking for a way to ensure that certain modules don't end
up in a wheel, while the rest of the package they reside in does. If I
only cared about sdist, I could add a MANIFEST.in, in which I'd
exclude those specific files, however, unfortunately, MANIFEST.in has
no effect on bdists (at least of the wheel kind).

The use case is that our application auto-generates a parser and lexer
with ply, and that parser might not work with different versions of
ply. Since we don't have a whole lot of control over what version
users have installed in their environments, we'd like to generate
those modules in the target environment.

I took a deep dive into distutils and setuptools, and as far as I can
see, any Python modules residing inside a package listed in the
packages argument to setup() are included in the distribution
unconditionally. Searching this mailing list only reveals a short
thread from nine years ago [1] without any solution...

For now, the easiest hacky solution for me is to add a couple of
os.remove calls to setup.py, but I'm not a big fan of setup.py messing
with the source tree.

And as a follow-up question, is there any post-installation hook that
we could use to trigger regeneration of those files?

Any ideas?



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