Cooper Ry Lees wrote on 7/13/18 13:51:

Today Facebook Open Sourced a competitor to PEX and other zip based 
distribution methods for Python (and potentially other languages). Basically 
it's claim to fame is start up time for large modules being similar to regular 
on file system modules due to extracting on read via SquashFS mounted 
executables. For more information read our blog post:

This is really interesting! Thanks for releasing it and announcing it. I should mention that LinkedIn (my day job) recently released 'shiv' as a more modern, and in our case much faster, zipapp container similar to pex.

I have some quick questions about XAR:

* How do you achieve faster hot start times with XAR over native file system? That's a bit unexpected, although based on our shiv work, I can imagine some things about how you start Python or lay out the code that might provide better hot start times (e.g. fewer entries on sys.path and a fanatical avoidance of pkg_resources). OTOH, I'd think that relying on FUSE would impose some additional overhead over native file systems.

* Is there any practical operational or performance limits on the number of mounted XARs you can have? E.g. what's the impact of deploying say a few thousand XARs on any particular machine (generally, of Linux and macOS - I'm not as concerned about Windows :)

* Do you just put the XAR mountpoint's bin on everyone's $PATH or do you symlink those bins into a standard $PATH location?

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